RSS Feed (2ops) to GSheet (2ops), how to aggregate the google sheet result into one operation

Hi I am really new here.

I am trying to build a RSS feed to generate 2 feed for recent news, then update a google sheet with the following columns: title, URL, Date created. Next, search google sheet rows for the new entries, aggregate them together send one email with the recent 2 news (title & URL). However, when I use array aggregator it only combine title & URL for each operation (ie. each news). What am I doing wrong here? What I want to achieve is to have all the news item aggregated like this within one bundle rather than 2 operations:

  1. title

  2. title

If anyone could point me to the right direction, that would be much appreciated. I am so lost :woman_facepalming:.


Instead of an Array Aggregator, use a Text Aggregator with a “New Row” delimiter.

Next, set the “Source Module” of the Text Aggregator to the trigger module.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew


Cool, it worked, text aggregator after RSS. Here is how it look - the result is sent through an email, however, one more question on that, in the text aggregator, how do you put a line inbetween the bundle 1 and 2 combined in the text aggregator?

Thank you so much :grin:

insert a newline in the Text Aggregator perhaps?

How do I do that? in the Text box, using HTML language? Sorry, still a newbie :woman_facepalming:

Hi @Phoebe_He
You can add another <br> tag after the URL. The <br> tag serves as a line break in HTML.
Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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It worked, perfect. Thank you so much :grin:

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