I am trying to have various RSS feeds consecutively pull the most recent two article links and titles of the articles into a google sheet for personal review. I’d like to run this daily to be up to date on news, etc.
I would like to prevent duplicate data coming into my spreadsheet.
I am having a lot of difficulty with this. I am new to make and using automation software so some assistance would be great. Still learning a lot. Thanks!
Each article that is found in the rss feed will come through as a new bundle. Hence everything is getting multiplied. There are a few ways you can build this out.
Easiest way, but uses more operations:
Build a router that will be split for each rss feed and at the end of each route add the google module to add a row for each article.
Harder way but uses less operations.
Have one route and after each rss feed add a text aggregator to create a json array. Then use the add bull row module for google sheet to add in all your articles into your sheet.
Could you maybe expand on it a bit? I am sorry im still new to Make.com and struggling to make this multiple RSS field scenario work.
I have tried replicating the above scenario. In the Iterator module I have setup an array with all the RSS URLS - but then its followed by the RSS Module which only takes a URL as an argument?