Passing multiple URLs through "watch rss feed" url input

Hi all

I’ve looked at several topics but can’t find a solution to what I suspect is a basic problem (listed the ones I’ve checked below)

Scenario: I want to pull the last 7 days of news updates from 8 rss feeds into a single word doc.
Problem: I can’t get the URL input right on the retrieve rss feed module to pull from my google/ search rows module.


  • I’m using googles sheets/ search rows to list out my 8 rss feeds and pull from them.
  • I suspect I’ll need to iterate / use a router at a later state, but in this instance I’ve only got 1 url as a test case
  • I’m just trying to map the output of the google sheet to the RSS feed module but I always get a The “url” argument must be of type string. Received null error. Is there a function that I can put in the url input to pull the url from the google sheet? (image 2)
  • I’ve tried to just but 35.rss (A), add an iterator in front and use the value output instead, use toString(35.rss (A)) and encodeURL(toString(35.rss (A)))
  • My plan is then to create a router and copy the flow (as in image 1) and pass a different row from the google sheet into each flow, and aggregate them into a database that will then finish off and append all the inputs into a word doc.



What I’ve checked

figured out the issue that while the error appears, you can still run the scenario and it will work as intended.