Salesforce Integration Error: {“message”:”The request failed due to failure of a previous request.”,”code”:”SC424”,”suberrors”:[{“message”:”Account error (invalid_grant)”,”name”:”Error”}]}

Hola, estoy intentando integrar con Salesforce, pero cuando ingreso las credenciales me da el error: {“message”:“The request failed due to failure of a previous request.”,“code”:“SC424”,“suberrors”:[{“message”:“Account error (invalid_grant)”,“name”:“Error”}]}
Pero solo es una cuenta de Salesforce, con otras que tengo que también son Sandbox no me da este problema, pero no sé porqué no lo permite.

Hello @Kenneth_Alfaro_Alvar welcome to the community :wave:

Just FYI: I translated your question to English since that’s the official language of the community. By keeping the content in one language, we give everybody the chance to step in and help you.

:us: Translation

Hello, I’m trying to integrate with Salesforce, but when I enter the credentials, I get the error: {“message”:“The request failed due to failure of a previous request.”,“code”:“SC424”,“suberrors”:[{“message”:“Account error (invalid_grant)”,“name”:“Error”}]}
However, it’s only with one Salesforce account; with others, including Sandbox accounts, I don’t encounter this issue. I’m not sure why it’s not allowing me to proceed.


Hi @Kenneth_Alfaro_Alvar,

Saldly, I don’t have a lot of insights into this but is it possible that this one special user does not have the same user-access roles as the other connections? That’s what “Account error (invalid_grant)” tries to indicate.

Kind regards,