Saving emails to Drive folder

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I joined this group to get help with saving emails to a Drive folder. I have set up a filter that saves emails on a specific topic to a label/folder, archive them, and mark them as read. I have set up a Google Drive folder to store the attachments. How do I get them to “talk” to each other?

Steps taken so far

Set up filter
Set up label
Stored emails in the label
Set up Google Drive folder
Manually saved attachments from emails I’ve received so far to the Drive folder

Hi @Connie_Laufersky
You can iterate through each attachment in a mail and upload to drive with the work flow given below:

Set up the source module as the module from where you are getting the email:

And upload the files directly:

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

Thank you! I am new to this approach. Could you say more about how to “Set up the source module as the module from where you are getting the email?”