I would like to send a Slack message when a new company is created in Hubspot.
So far it works, however, I can only show the company owner ID and not the company owner name, whereas I use Company Owner in the message.
Do you have any idea how to do that?
Thanks a lot for your help,
Hi @rickgoz,
It seems that Hubspot passes an ID for the user that is the company owner (unless the name is somwhere in the payload, too). This means you need to fetch the owner via a second module or make use of the switch function/module to locally match the ID to a company owner name.
What does the output of the HubSpot module look like?
Please, follow these steps when asking a question, and you’ll be more likely to get a helpful answer:
Give us a detailed explanation of what you’re trying to achieve
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Include screenshots of:
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Share the blueprint of the scenario you are asking a question about. (this does not contain any connection or personal information)
Hi Henk,
Thank you. Please find attached the Blueprint. The name does not seems to be in the payload, so I guess I need to go with the other option.
Slack message blueprint.json (84.1 KB)
Hi @rickgoz,
This is a blueprint of the scenario, not the output of the module:
It seems the ‘Get an Owner’ module might help you further
Sorry, here is the output bundles
"ts": "1721074201.342489",
"channel": "C07C9HFCQ92",
"message": {
"user": "U079HRBPDAR",
"type": "message",
"ts": "1721074201.342489",
"bot_id": "B07BNSEM3N2",
"app_id": "A0X0JM3SB",
"text": ":office: *New Company in Hubspot *:office:\n*Name*: Saphired\n*Company owner*: 1365812967\n*Number of employee*: 200\n*Target Account*: true\n*Company Domain Name*: : ",
"team": "T079E3Y1SS2",
"bot_profile": {
"id": "B07BNSEM3N2",
"app_id": "A0X0JM3SB",
"name": "Integromat",
"icons": {
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"image_48": "https://avatars.slack-edge.com/2018-05-23/368956162100_66b49ddc3c4121136e57_48.png",
"image_72": "https://avatars.slack-edge.com/2018-05-23/368956162100_66b49ddc3c4121136e57_72.png"
"deleted": false,
"updated": "2024-07-10T16:44:46.000Z",
"team_id": "T079E3Y1SS2"
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"block_id": "+9Jd8",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": ":office: *New Company in Hubspot *:office:\n*Name*: Saphired\n*Company owner*: 1365812967\n*Number of employee*: 200\n*Target Account*: true\n*Company Domain Name*: : ",
"verbatim": false