Send array items to google sheet, for line items invoice

Hi im trying to create line items for an invoice, but when it send to google sheet, it send everything in 1 row, i want each items to be on a new row, please see attached make senerios and google sheet screen shot

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Can you provide a screenshot of how you mapped your aggregator and iterator?

Within your Iterator module are you mapping the items from the source?
This would basically iterate each item in the invoice into separate rows. After which you could map the values from the iterator to Google sheet

i got the source from airtable, basically I have an invoice table link with a line item table, when i pull in to with a get a record module (base on a record id), from there you can see from the attached image, get a record - iterator - google drive make a new row, but my array come in 1 row, instead i want each line items with price and quantity on a separate row

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I think what you want to do instead of the aggregator is use the map() function to get the line item array and iterate it. This way each item will be a separate row.

Hi @Kmz_Print

If you can share the output bundle of the array aggregator we could further assist you.

How to Share Input/Output bundles

To obtain the input and output bundles for each module:

  1. Run the scenario or retrieve it from the History tab.
  2. For each module, click the white speech bubble located at the top-right corner.
  3. Select “Download input/output bundles” from the dropdown menu.

This will allow you to download the necessary data for further analysis and sharing.

Method 1: Attach a Text File

  1. Copy the output data.
  2. Paste the data into a text file.
  3. Attach the text file to your ticket.

Method 2: Direct Sharing

  1. Use the direct sharing option available in the reply section. Please refer to the image below for guidance.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make