I have a probably very simple nob problem 
I call an APi and get an Object with a lot of information.
I want to send this whole object as json to a URL. For this I choose HTTP Make a Request, choose POST and thats all I know. If I want to send single values from the returned object I can select them. But If I want to send everything I dont know what to choose.
Welcome to the Make community!
In your HTTP module settings “Parse response” field, select “NO”

This will allow you to map the RAW response in subsequent modules.
If you select yes, then you can map individual variables.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!
Thank you for the hint, sadly it doesnt work
Here the screenshoot. Do you see any mistakes? If I select a single sub entry from the Array it works, but I dont want to get a single entry of the list but all entries. Thanks!
The operation failed with an error. Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).
If I use toString for this array I get the response “{object}”
And with {{toString(toArray(1.organization))}} I get [{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object},{object}]
If you have the Make DevTool Chrome extension installed, you should be able to view the request and response headers and body from each module when you manually run the scenario.
From the Help Center article about the Make DevTool:
Make DevTool allows you to debug your Make scenarios in a completely new way. It adds an extra pane to the Chrome Developer Tools. Using this new debugger pane, you’re able to check all the manual runs of your scenario, review all the performed operations and see the details of every API call performed. It also brings a whole bunch of new opportunities for Apps development. You’re able to check every call that your app has performed. Thanks to this extension, you can easily debug your scenario, see which module, operation, even which single response causes the error, and then get your scenario back on track. Try it out and let your scenarios shine!
For more information on how to install and use this, see https://www.make.com/en/help/scenarios/integromat-devtool
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!
Hi, sadly it doesnt help. The extension doesnt show any info to the http request point, as there is a validation error. If I select a single element of the given Object it works fantastic and the extension shows all the info. But If I select the whole object I get an error with no Info. The object I want to send looks like this
“organization”: {
“id”: “id”,
“name”: “my name”,
“accounts”: [
“id”: “new id”,
“slug”: “slug”