Shopify fulfillment service app - <callback_url>/fulfillment_order_notification

shopify requires a callback_url for OPT-IN fulfillment service, how can I create a webhook which has a specific address. <make_webhook_url>/fulfillment_order_notification?
I have not found a solution for this, does anyone have advice on this?

Two ways to achieve it.

  1. You can create a webhook URL using the New Event trigger in the Shopify module. Configure this webhook in your Shopify store.

  1. Use the Webhook module in Make and create a custom Webhook. Same here; configure this webhook in your Shopify store.

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thank you, but unfortunately this does not work.
1.) Shopify APP NEW event, there are no endpoints for this purpose.
2.) The webhook module has a fixed address and does not allow URL configurations like this: [<callback_url>/fulfillment_order_notification] and it is unfortunately mandatory that the endpoint is named like this.
And I have to specify a callback URL to use the fulfillment services since API version 2022/07, since then OPT-IN is mandatory.