Simple Filter issue

I’m passing a response from a form and trying to filter on a simply “yes”/“no” basis, but for some reason I can’t seem to get the “yes” past the yes filter:


Neither of my “yes” or “no” branches are designated as a fallback, and the scenario halts at the branch, not going either way. It seems clear the text is “yes”, but it is not registering a match on the filter. Am I making a noobie mistake somewhere?

Hello @solaf

Welcome to the make community

Could you share the screenshot of your filter?
This will help us identify the problem more effectively.

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Welcome to the Make community!

Looks like you selected the Case-SENSITIVE Equals to.


As you can see, the variable contains Yes, while you are comparing it to yes, which is clearly different!

So you need to select the (Case-INsensitive) Equals to.


Yep, it was a noobie mistake! Thanks :slight_smile: