I’m an absolute beginner with Make.com and JavaScript, and I’m facing the issue of not knowing how to replace spaces with dashes in the channel name when creating a Slack channel.
This works (the “1.identifier + 1.name” comes from our CRM), but it only removes the spaces.
What do I need to insert, where, and why to make this work? I would really appreciate any help!
Best regards
Hallo Community,
ich bin ein absoluter Beginner in make.com und JavaScript und stehe vor dem Problem, dass ich nicht weiß, wie man beim Erstellen eines Slack-Kanal im Channel-Namen die Leerzeichen durch einen Bindestrich ersetzt. Mir hat der Beitrag und die Lösung hier (SLACK <> creating new channel <> Error: invalid_name_specials (200) - #5 by samliew) schon sehr weitergeholfen, allerdings möchte ich zusätzlich noch anstatt Leerzeichen einen Bindestrich einfügen. Folgendes habe ich bis jetzt eingesetzt:
Welcome to the Make community! Could you try to communicate in English, so that everyone here has the opportunity to help you?
Could you also share the input bundles that you are processing?
As for the function that you shared, it seems like you have a combined input of an identifier and name, in which you replace any other character that is not a lowercase letter with an emptystring. An emptystring is a null value, so the result is… nothing. You can try to use - instead. Also, the regex should not be in quotes.
The regex works, but you should still place a space between the identifier and the name. Also, if you copy and paste a formula as regular text, then this forum might change the formatting. It is best to paste it in a code block by using backticks (`).
One more question: Is it possible to use a router in such a way that it does not split one route into several, but that the router combines several routes into one again?
I should now repeat the path marked in red on the screenshot for approx. 10-11 routes.