SLACK <> creating new channel <> Error: invalid_name_specials (200)

I’m trying to create a new Slack channel, using a field from a previous step in my scenario. It’s returning this on the “create new channel” step…

Error: invalid_name_specials (200).

I know that Slack requires channel names to be all lower case, with no special characters of any kind - and I’m sure there must be a way to strip those out, or drop upper case to lower case, but I don’t know how.

Any help is appreciated!

May peace be upon you @Podcast_Fast_Track

To make the word lowercase you can use this function and you can find more such functions here

Let me know if this worked for you!


Thanks for the help @Automate_with_Rezwan - I have tried that (see the image) and it still is showing the same error.


That only makes it lowercase, but does not remove non-alphabet characters.

You need to also use the built-in function replace with a regex:

{{ replace(lower(; "/[^a-z]+/g"; emptystring) }}



Hi @Podcast_Fast_Track

Please use the {{lower}} function to make the text lowercase and the {{replace}} function to change any special characters. Remember, the {{lower}} function only works with text (strings), so ensure that the name variable is mapped as a string, not a collection.

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@samliew - that fixed my Slack problem - thank you!

No problem, glad I could help!

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