i am currently sending urls into a discord channel. those automatically are watched by make and then put into a new row into google sheets.
i now want to add to the message which is just the url some hashtags.
is it possibe with make to watch the channel for new messages, then split the message in 2 parts (URL + hashtags) and then put both parts into two separate cells in the new row in google sheets?
Yes, achieving this is possible through the use of regular expressions or other text manipulation tools. If you provide an example message, I can demonstrate the process by performing relevant functions to obtain the desired results
so i try to explain in an easy way again what i want to archieve::
i send all the time a message to a discord channel with “URL #placeholder#placeholder#placeholder…”
what i want to try is that make watch the channel. if it checks that theres a new message
get the message and split it into 2 variables/values (dont know the difference here in make)
like lets say 2 messages. 1st = “URL” 2nd message= “#placeholder#placeholder#placeholder” (so all the hashtags)
i then want make to add a new row into a google sheet table and put “URL” into a cell of column A and “#placeholder#placeholder#placeholder” (so all the hashtags) into column B of this new row.
would say max is about 10…would that be too much?
sometimes when i send the url from my phone into the discord channel it adds also a new line after the url and before the #'s when i add them to the message with the url
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1. Screenshots of module fields and filters
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2. Scenario blueprint
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