Synchronize a Google drive folder in OneDrive, once a day


I don’t think it is possible, but I asking you just in case :slight_smile: .

Is it possible to Synchronize a Google drive folder in OneDrive, once a day ?

Thanks a lot !

Hello @Globura and welcome to the Make Community!

Warning: The solution might not be as simple as you had hoped… but a very simple setup might work for you.

In Make, you might be able to use Google Drive Watch Files in a Folder module and this will give you a list of files that have been Modified since the last time this module ran.
Following that, use a Google Drive Download a File module to download the file and convert it, if necessary. For example, if it’s a Google Doc, download it as a Word Doc. If it’s a Google Sheet, download as an Excel Workbook XLS.
Following that, OneDrive Upload a File.

This is only a one-way sync, but without some sort of database to keep track of what’s going on, there’s a huge potential for things to get confusing very quickly, for example:

  • Any changes in OneDrive would not replicate back to Google Drive, nor could they in cases where a file in Google is downloaded and converted to something else before being uploaded to OneDrive.
  • You may end up with duplicate file in OneDrive, for the same file in Google.

Ideally, I think you’d want to keep track of all files in Google Drive using a database or Data Store, when they were modified, and their corresponding OneDrive file ID.
When a Google file changes, go look up it’s Google ID in the database.
If the file ID doesn’t exist, it’s a new file, so add it.
See if it has a OneDrive File ID (it won’t if it’s a new file), and if so, replace the file in OneDrive.
If there’s no OneDrive File ID, then upload the new File to OneDrive and store that file’s ID back in the database.

There’s also an option to enable Sequential Processing on the scenario to ensure the files get processed in order. This helps prevent issues where a previous edit overwrites a future edit.


Hello Donald_Mitchel,

Thanks a lot for your precise answer, and sorry for my late one…

I try to make your automation, but I can’t connect Google Drive.
I used the official tutorial here :

I did everything, and also tried to change from “” to “” but it doesn’t work.

Could you please help me, I have this error :

Erreur 403 : access_denied

Détails de la requête : access_type=offline response_type=code disallow_webview=true redirect_uri= state=9e104057bf53500667cbd372 prompt=consent scope= openid flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow

Thanks a lot once again !