Teamleader - Custom fiealds

Here’s my issue.

When I create a new contact and select custom fields that were previously created in Teamleader, this is the error that Make returns.

I’ve tried several things, such as converting the response into a map, etc., but nothing seems to work.

Does anyone have an idea?

Hi @Polpyx,

Welcome to the Make community!

The Teamleader Focus API expects a value and not an ID for collections and arrays. So you’ll have to map the value of single or multiple select custom fields.

There is a bug in the Make app for Teamleader Focus that sends the ID instead of the selected value. I passed this info to the Make dev already, so they are aware of the issue.

PS If mapping doesn’t work, you can fall back on the Make An API call module

Kind regards,
Both certified Make & Teamleader partner

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