Hi to every one!
I trying to send message thru telegram bot module, but for some users, scenario has stopped with error: Forbidden: bot was blocked by the user
How can i checking user not blocked before sending message or how can i handle this error to prevent to stop the scenario?
Big thanks for advise!
If you want to prevent the scenario from stopping you should add error handler to the telegram module by clicking on the right click above the module, then add error handler, then choose ignore
Wow! Big thanks, Dorian_Ben_Haim!
And one another question please! How can i check where is error was to send message to another user?
Your welcome
On the error handler rout you should add another module to send message and pass the error: message from the failed module to the body of the bext one
Great! So easy!
Thank you guru!
You might also want to save the user ID that blocked the bot, so that you can avoid sending the users any messages in future.
Hopefully you are not using Make to spam others. Please use Make responsibly.