What are you trying to achieve?
Trying to extract the url with the word “jobs” from the email text content received:
Here is the text content:
Subject: New job on SoundBetter - “Need vocals duo (man & Fema…”
Date: January 30, 2025 at 7:36:49 AM PSTHi Paul
A new job was posted on SoundBetter.
Client name: Freddy
Title: Need vocals duo (man & Female) for country/pop song (+video perform)
Description: Looking for a male and female vocal duo for a country/pop song (with video performance) Verse 1: Male Verse 2: Female Chorus: Both together Vid…
View Job details & Send proposal http://soundbetter.com/jobs/1018229
As a SoundBetter Premium Pro you get notified and have access to new jobs on the job board.
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Steps taken so far
I’m using Text Parser Pattern: ^https?://soundbetter.com/jobs/\d+$
But it doesn’t give me any output.
I tried 20 thousand different regex formula. this one seems okay, so i’m at a lost.