In my scenario I have the TEXT PARSER - HTML TO TEXT module, but I don’t like the result when I have to convert bullet points coming from wordpress website.
I herewith attach some screenshots with the original post in the wordpress website and the final result of the TEXT PARSER module: do you have suggestions how to exactly clone the wordpress layout in the HTML to text conversion? I use the TEXT PARSER module to insert html description coming from RSS module, to Telegram, Facebook or Instagram for business module.


Hi there!
Can you please post a sample data/output here of what value was synced? Or a screenshot of how that looks like to that I can try to test it on my end? Or please grab the output from the RSS trigger module to check?
Also, what modules are you using specifically on those Social media apps?
Unfortunately at the moment I haven’t an example of a post with bullet points. I tried to go back to the example of the screenshots I put in the post, but Make is saying me that there are no more log details because I think the log of december 23rd is too old.
Hi Jogger,
I use in sequence these modules:
- RSS - Watch RSS feed items
- Text parser - HTML to text
- Email - Send an email
Then I also use other modules to publish content on Telegram, Instagram and Facebook. On that modules there are no problems on layout of bullet points: the problem is in the Email Module where within bullet points there are no spaces.
I herewith attach screenshots and Output bundles of different modules. You can find an example on the RSS feed Parrocchie Piasco e Rossana and in particular in the feed with title “FESTA DELLA PRESENTAZIONE DEL SIGNORE AL TEMPIO” of today february 2nd Fri, 02 Feb 2024 06:35:00 +0000
You can find the the modules output bundles on the .txt files on this link SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers
Many thanks