Hi I need help with text parser using regex:
I checked all the help section but there’s nobody explaining if there’s a limit to a text parser, it’s only outputting up to 8 sections.
Here’s my expression: Passenger:\s*(.+)\s*((?\d{3})?[-.\s]?\d{3}[-.\s]?\d{4}|0000000000)\sDriver:\s(.?)\s((\d{3}) \d{3}-\d{4})?\sVehicle:\s(.+)\sPick Up Location:\s(.+)\sDrop Off Location:\s(.+)\sConf No:\s(\w±\w+)\sTrip link:\s(https?://\S+)
Here’s the text to parse:
Atul Shah
Radostin Mihov
(847) 463-0682
Toyota Sienna Hybrid 2022 Rear-Entry #1
Pick Up Location:
1775 Ballard Rd, Park Ridge, IL 60068, USA
Drop Off Location:
1600 E Thacker St, Des Plaines, IL 60016, USA
Conf No:
Trip link:
Here’s the output:
I checked pythex and it can match the trip link:
Here’s the scenario
blueprint (6).json (77.0 KB)
Thank you for your help in advance.