TextMagic - RuntimeError [400] Validation Failed

Hi All

We are using Make.com, to add contact information to TextMagic.com via an API key
I have a scenario to add contact info to textmagic (Name/Mobile/Email)
This was all working fine for a few weeks

I am now getting this error I am getting:
Initialization **
** Data size: 0

**Operation 1 **
[400] Validation Failed.


I have:

  • Deleted the connection in Make with TextMagic
  • Deleted the API key in TextMagic
  • Created new API key on Textmagic
  • Went into the scenario and created a NEW connection to Textmagic, using the new API key
  • On 2 other similar scenarios, I added this connection also
  • Tested this and all worked fine for the first run
  • Then it will start to error again?

What am I missing please?
thank you

I’m experiencing the same RuntimeError on a module that was running fine earlier in the day. There have been no changes to the configuration.

Have you made any progress in troubleshooting here?

Hello. Have you fixed your problem? how did you make it ?

@claudio @Enoma @AndrewR, this maybe too late but here’s the solution:

Before creating/adding contact to TextMagic you need to add module “parse phone number” (looks exactly like whatsapp icon) and format number to E.164 format and then it will work 100%.

Make sure to use output of the parse phone number module in textmagic phone number field > Number in E.164 format.

Also, make sure that phone number you are trying to add is not in textmagic contacts list because it will throw the same error.

And install Integomat dev tool > it will give you more info about the error, just inspect and go to integromat tab > navigate to body response.

Good luck.