The OpenAI chatbot in Telegram doesn't remember the context

Hello! I’m a beginner on I’ve been trying for several days to create a scenario where the bot remembers previous questions from users and can respond accordingly. But it’s been unsuccessful. It still asks the same questions over and over. Please help! Maybe there is a detailed guide somewhere on how to set up such a scenario?

Welcome @Alex_Suslov; would you mind sharing your scenario here and providing more context?

In the case of OpenAI assistants, I suspect that you need to be keeping track of thread_id so that memory exists.

Thank you for your feedback. I have the same problem as the author of the message. I can’t get openai to communicate within one thread. How do I pass the thread_id? I understood that I need to use the Data STOR module to save the chat ID, user. But I can’t write the thread_id there for later use. Perhaps you have a template? I suffer a lot