I use the “compose a string” module to do a simple replace. But it doesn’t work at all.
Of course I have tested variants like:
replace(52.value; feature=shared; )
replace(52.value; “feature=shared”;“” )
replace(52.value; feature=shared&; ) (but the ; is interpreted)
Oh thank you very much, it worked.
However, I’ve got a new problem.
I’ve just seen that what I need to replace is not
replace(52.value; feature=shared&; )
but rather
replace(52.value; feature=shared& ; )
And I ; is interpreted, so it’s not taken into account.
I tried
replace(52.value; feature=shared;; )
but I get the same result.
Excellent. It works great. A big thank you, it was very simple but you have to know it. Thank you for this beautiful Make community, your participation has greatly helped it grow.