Transforming fields into French for Airtable

:us: Hello,

I would like to request your help with transforming the data we are retrieving. We have fields in English such as “won,” “subscription,” “validate,” etc., and we would like to convert them into French during processing in Make before transferring them to Airtable.

Could you please advise me on how to proceed so that the contents of these fields are correctly translated into French and properly aligned when integrated into Airtable?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Bonjour ,

Je souhaite vous demander de l’aide concernant la transformation des données que nous récupérons. Nous avons des champs en anglais tels que “won”, “subscription”, “validate”, etc., et nous aimerions les convertir en français lors de leur traitement dans Make avant de les transférer dans Airtable.

Pourriez-vous m’indiquer comment procéder afin que les contenus de ces champs soient correctement traduits en français et bien correspondants lors de leur intégration dans Airtable ?

Merci d’avance pour votre assistance.

Welcome to the Make community!

This is a great use-case for AI to perform.

You can do this with just a single module.

Here is an example using the FREE Groq AI module “Create a Chat Completion”:



Module Export - quick import into your scenario

You can copy and paste this module export into your scenario. This will import the modules (with fields/settings/filters) shown in my screenshots above.

  1. Move your mouse over the line of code below. Copy the JSON by clicking the copy button on the right of the code, which looks like this:

  2. Enter your scenario editor. Press ESC to close any dialogs. Press CTRLV (paste keyboard shortcut for Windows) to paste directly in the editor.

  3. Click on each imported module and re-save it for validation. There may be some errors prompting you to remap some variables and connections.

JSON module export — paste this directly in your scenario

{"subflows":[{"flow":[{"id":284,"module":"groq:chatCompletion","version":1,"parameters":{"__IMTCONN__":2370769},"mapper":{"model":"llama-3.1-70b-versatile","messages":[{"role":"system","content":"You are a translator. You will be presented with English text, which you will translate into French, preserving the same format. Do not add additional content in your response."},{"role":"user","content":"won\nsubscription\nvalidate"}],"response_format":"text"},"metadata":{"designer":{"x":2309,"y":-1385},"restore":{"parameters":{"__IMTCONN__":{"collapsed":true,"label":"My Groq API Key connection","data":{"scoped":"true","connection":"groq"}}},"expect":{"model":{"mode":"chose","label":"llama-3.1-70b-versatile"},"messages":{"mode":"chose","items":[{"role":{"mode":"chose","label":"System"}},{"role":{"mode":"chose","label":"User"}}]},"response_format":{"mode":"chose","label":"Text"}}},"parameters":[{"name":"__IMTCONN__","type":"account:groq","label":"Connection","required":true}],"expect":[{"name":"model","type":"select","label":"Model","required":true},{"name":"messages","type":"array","label":"Messages","required":true,"spec":[{"name":"role","type":"select","label":"Role","options":[{"label":"System","value":"system"},{"label":"User","value":"user"},{"label":"Assistant","value":"assistant"}]},{"name":"content","type":"text","label":"Content"}]},{"name":"max_tokens","type":"number","label":"Max tokens returned"},{"name":"temperature","type":"number","label":"Temperature"},{"name":"response_format","type":"select","label":"Response Format","validate":{"enum":["text","json_object"]}},{"name":"top_p","type":"number","label":"Top P"},{"name":"frequency_penalty","type":"number","label":"Frequency Penalty"},{"name":"seed","type":"number","label":"Seed"}]}}]}],"metadata":{"version":1}}

Note: Did you know you can reduce the size of blueprints and module export code like the above, using the Make Blueprint Scrubber?

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

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Hello, I would like to know how to create an API for GROQ.

To get a Groq API key, go to and generate one.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

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Where should I place this JSON in the group? Please provide guidanc

Paste it directly in the scenario editor to paste an entire whole module.