Trying to retrieve reddit posts into coda table, I ran into errors

My goal - is to retrieve 50 reddit posts, from a certain subreddit of the top daily, into a table,
Containting- date of retreive, Post’s title, Post’s link.

I tried to 2 different setup’s-
(both setup’s post retrieve limit is above 10)

1) The first setup I used is, the reddit’s “Watch new comments in a subreddit”,
and the coda “Create a row”

But got an error -
“The operation failed with an error. [429] Too Many Requests: Too Many Requests.”

2) The second setup I used is, the reddit’s “List comments in a subreddit”,
and the coda “Create a row”

But got an error -
“The operation was completed with a warning. ENOTFOUND: Service is temporarily unavailable.”

(Another problem I encountered, Is duplicates of retrieved reddit posts, in the coda table,
But this issue is less significant than not being able to retrieve more than 10 posts…)

Here is a screenshot of the setup -

Please let me know how could I fix this

Is the error “[429] Too Many Requests” error from the Reddit module, or Coda module?

If it’s from Reddit I may have a workaround available.


I would love to hear your workaround!

Adding .json onto the end of most Reddit URLs turns it into a mini-API,

Great for prototyping with higher rate limits.