Unable to connect HTTP module to twitter OAuth 2.0

I have an app in Twitter where I get authorization from different users and I want to setup a connection with Twitter using the HTTP module but I can’t figure out how to set it up.
I’ve tried the OAuth 2.0 and all the other options.
I can use the different Twitter modules but they are I can only use them to post for one account.

I would appreciate any help on this.

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Welcome to the Make community!

You are using the old Twitter connection instructions.

Follow this setup: https://www.make.com/en/help/apps/marketing/twitter

Hint: You’ll need to create your own Twitter custom application.

  • In the App Info section, enter the following details:

    • Callback URI/Redirect URL: https://www.integromat.com/oauth/cb/twitter2 and https://www.integromat.com/oauth/cb/twitter
    • **Website URL: **https://www.integromat.com/oauth/cb/twitter

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Thank you for your quick reply.

I had this setup as well and it didn’t work either.

Could you provide us a new screenshot showing the error with the correct callback URL?

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I have updated it to what you sent but I’m still getting the same error

Your URL is showing


It needs to be


see the difference in the last part of the URL path?

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Hi @Mariana_Effectivit, here is a setup guide for OAuth 2.0 in twitter :

Step-by-Step Guide: OAuth 2.0 with Make for Twitter

  1. Create a Twitter Developer Account:

  2. Create a Twitter App:

    • Navigate to the ‘Projects & Apps’ section.
    • Click on ‘Create App’.
    • Fill in the required details (App name, description, website URL, etc.).
  3. Configure App Permissions:

    • Go to the ‘Settings’ tab of your app.
    • Set the appropriate permissions (Read, Write, Direct Messages).
    • Save changes.
  4. Generate API Keys and Tokens:

    • Navigate to the ‘Keys and Tokens’ tab.
    • Generate ‘API Key & Secret’ and ‘Bearer Token’.
    • Note down these credentials securely.
  5. Setup OAuth 2.0 Callback URL:

    • Under the ‘Authentication settings’, set the ‘Callback URL’ to the URL provided by Make.
  6. Authorize App with Twitter:

    • Go to Make.com and log in to your account.
    • Create a new scenario and select ‘Twitter’ as the app.
    • Choose ‘Add a connection’ and follow the prompts.
    • Enter your Twitter app’s API Key, Secret, and Callback URL.
    • Authorize the connection when prompted.
  7. Create and Configure Scenario in Make:

    • Set up the desired triggers and actions for your scenario using the connected Twitter account.
    • Test the scenario to ensure it works as expected.
  8. Save and Activate the Scenario:

    • Once tested, save your scenario.
    • Activate the scenario to start using the OAuth 2.0 connection with Twitter.

This guide provides a streamlined approach to integrating OAuth 2.0 for Twitter with Make, ensuring you can quickly set up and start using Twitter APIs in your automation workflows.

Thank you for the explanation. This works correctly, I’m trying to connect to the HTTP module because my app needs to post for different accounts.

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Oh great, please let me know if you encounter any problem during the process


This is how it’s at the moment, that’s why I don’t understand why it’s redirecting to the wrong URL

Hi Sam, I’m still facing the same problem as Mariana.

I’m not sure if the Callback links should have /oauth2/ instead of oauth. For us to create the connection via HTTP, it needs to be OAuth 2.0, not OAuth.

I tried everything as she did. Please assist if you can (maybe through a loom video or a detailed step by step.

I’m also afraid that by changing anything on Twitter’s Authorization settings (like callback links), this might crash my current connection between Twitter API/Make

(Note: I need to do this via HTTP because Make’s “Get a post” is not pulling the data I want: public data of retweets, impressions, likes etc)

Hi, I am having the same issue but this did not sort it out for me… As I get back into Make, I have no option for the Callback URL & I still fail authorization. I have no idea what I might be doing wrong cuz I am following the steps correctly. I have connected to FB & Instagram but X is still causing this issue. Any advice to get me on my way would be appreciated… TIA

Hello, I meet a weird trouble with this connection. When I valid connexion, X ask me my X “@accountnickname”. I set my @accountnickname (also tested without ‘@’) but X.com tell my just ‘incorrect, please retry’. But this my correct @nickname. I 'm also connected with this account on my broswer session … so weird …
any guess?

:us: Thank you, I solved my problem!

Obrigado resolvi meu problema!

Is there a fix to this lol

I’ve seen so many people with this problem, what can we do