How to create Tweets using HTTP Module?

Hi all. I am trying to create Twitter threads using HTTP Post requests. But struggling to authenticate Twitter V2 using OAuth 1.0.

According to Twitter docs, here are the headers and parameters required:

–header ‘authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=“CONSUMER_API_KEY”, oauth_nonce=“OAUTH_NONCE”, oauth_signature=“OAUTH_SIGNATURE”, oauth_signature_method=“HMAC-SHA1”, oauth_timestamp=“OAUTH_TIMESTAMP”, oauth_token=“ACCESS_TOKEN”, oauth_version=“1.0”’ \

How do I add these tokens in the authorization header? I get a 401 (Authentication failed) error.

Curious if anyone has solved this and has a different method.

Hi @KMag

Twitter API simply rely on a set up that requires some kind of workaround that is not natively supported by Make. Hence, you need to stick with the native App instead of HTTP request.

See below ticket for reference:

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But I can’t reply to a Tweet to make Twitter threads with the existing Twitter module.

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use the “Make an API Call” module.


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Awesome! I didn’t know v5 had the API call module. Thanks for the help.

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