Unable to upload file using SFTP, downloaded with HTTP "Get a file" module

I need to upload a file xslx retrived by modules HTTP get a file but the modules SFTP give me error no such file.
If I upload file with Google drive modules works.

Welcome to the Make community!

Can you show us a screenshot of the directory structure in your SFTP server, to show that it exists?

E.g.: go to your “Leone” directory in your SSH terminal and type: pwd

You might want to try using an absolute path too.

samliew – request private consultation

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Hi samliew,
thanks for the welcome and for your reply.
The directory exists, if I connect with the SFTP user with FileZilla I see the directory (see pictures attached).
Another strange things are this: in other scenario, I use the same configuration for the SFTP modules and it works…the only difference is the file coming from an Iterator and it’s an attachment (see picture attached) instead coming from HTTP Get a File module.
What’s worng ???


Maybe you can use the Gmail “Iterate Attachments” module instead?

samliew – request private consultation

Join the Make Fans Discord server to chat with other makers!

In case of Airoh, yes but in Airoh the SFTP upload works.
My problem is on Leone and on Leone I can’t use “Iterate Attachments” 'cause there’s no file attached on the mail but a link in the text to download it.
So if u see the screenshot of scenario in first post, you can see I must do those steps:

  1. Watch mail
  2. Iterator
  3. Convert HTML to Text
  4. Retrive the URL from text (extract 2 string 1 from the text 1 from the link)
  5. Aggregate the 2 string in 1 only URL
  6. HTTP Get a file from URL
    After do that, I need to upload this file on SFTP.

I find the error…in Leone there’s a initial dot.
Now works !!!
Sorry, my mistake.


That’s what I said, sorry if this wasn’t clear to remove the dot.

Absolute paths always begin with a slash /