Update a notion database item - how to?

I can’t figure out a simple thing, IMHO.
I can find a notion database item, even using a filter, that’s OK.

But then I would like to just update some text in some filed and I get errors only. I cannot correctly map fields between each other:

My goal is to change text “Article name 1” to “test value”.

This is the output Bundle I get from previous module:

        "object": "page",
        "id": "479edeb9-36f7-40a1-bda1-17a193baa492",
        "created_time": "2023-12-12T05:38:00.000Z",
        "last_edited_time": "2023-12-14T15:48:00.000Z",
        "created_by": {
            "object": "user",
            "id": "7efbecbd-cb46-4d65-8b89-9202e3ebd39b"
        "last_edited_by": {
            "object": "user",
            "id": "7efbecbd-cb46-4d65-8b89-9202e3ebd39b"
        "cover": null,
        "icon": null,
        "parent": {
            "type": "database_id",
            "database_id": "6f1fc476-514f-43df-836c-ec3ed9822bca"
        "archived": false,
        "properties": [
                "id": "%3ERSd",
                "type": "checkbox",
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                "label": "Text3ok"
                "id": "%40J_%3F",
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                "type": "rich_text",
                "rich_text": [],
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                "multi_select": [],
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                "type": "rich_text",
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                        "type": "text",
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                            "content": "Article name 1",
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        "url": "https://www.notion.so/Article-name-1-479edeb936f740a1bda117a193baa492",
        "public_url": null,
        "properties_value": {
            "Text3ok": false,
            "Kontext": [
                    "type": "text",
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                        "content": "www",
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            "GPTText1": [],
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                    "type": "text",
                    "text": {
                        "content": "Article name 1",
                        "link": null
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                        "bold": false,
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                        "code": false,
                        "color": "default"
                    "plain_text": "Article name 1",
                    "href": null
        "__IMTLENGTH__": 1,
        "__IMTINDEX__": 1

This is how it looks like in the second module:

It looks like you mapped the value of the property Názov instead of the key (in the last screenshot).

To map the correct property key, you could try to type “title”, since it looks like it’s the title property value that you’re trying to change, and the ID of that property (the primary key in Notion) is fixed–always “title”


Nope. This is my error now:

No matter if I use title or Title

Mhh - did you try to also change the “Value type” option to “Title” (selecting from the dropdown menu)?


Great - thank you! Now I got the logic!