Update an order status Make <> Shopify


I’m trying to finish my Automation funnel that gets a Shopify order, sending it to the delivery company, retrieving an answer with the tracking number - and update the status order to fulfilledq confirm - ANYTIHNG! this is the part I’m stuck!

So according to the Shopify API Docs: Fulfillment - REST
I need to First- “Creates a fulfillment for one or many fulfillment orders” BUT I keep getting errors.

This is the module:

This is the most “progress” error I got (before that it was “Not found”)

Hey Amit,

looks like you have converter your array to a json string right?

If this is the case you are mapping it in the wrong place - currently its being mapped as the first item in the array instead of as the array it self.

Thank you for your answear!
I’ve tried also to send the array as is:

And then I get this array:

You are still sending the array as the first item. It is being mapped as Item 1 in your screenshot. Remove it from there and click the top most Map toggle on the right, then map the array in the new field that will appear.

OK I think now it’s beind send propper:

But I’m still getting an “Not Found error”

And he order ID do exist in Shopify
Am I missing something from Shopify Documentation?

This one

Thank @Stoyan_Vatov , but srill the same error.
I did this:

And got this again: