Update Row error

What are you trying to achieve?

I’m trying to create a simple referral System for my shop using google sheets, forms and gmail for “account” creation

Steps taken so far

I’ve set up the form and sheets, originally I had the form linked to the google sheet I’m using for my database. So when someone signs up the form gets added to the google sheets. after the form is submitted I run 2 nodes of alphanumeric code found in this thread (Random Alphanumeric Coupon Code Generator). once for the referral code and once for the confirmation code for the referrer to receive their free gift. after the codes generate I want to update the newly added row with the codes and then take the name, codes and use the email to send them to me and the referrer so I know its been generated since I have to add it to my site manually. when I “run once” I don’t get any errors, its when I individually run each node. and it seems to be the “update row” originally it was just the “invalid row number” type error but after refreshing it gives the the additional invalid sheet ID even though I’ve checked it

this is my first time deep diving make, and I think I’m biting of more than I can chew…

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

You are getting this error because there was nothing that was found on the search row module. Check your first module, google forms, to see if any values are being sent.

This is probably where your error is originating from because when you run the module a second time its not pulling the previous repsonse that was pulled earlier

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So a little update! I hade to rearrange my nodes! so the rows update now! howeverrr even though the functions are recognizing data when I add the “responder email” function in, its coming back as theres no recipient… I’ve tried both taking it from the form and the sheet. I’ve SS everything from the nodes, maybe someone will find what I missed

Screenshot 2024-09-06 114544

When you run the scenario is there an output in the first module?

So if I submit a response and then run the scenario it now works… I was under the impression from documentation that scheduling wasn’t needed if I was using a “watch for responses trigger”

Instant trigger modules run as data is received. For watch modules if they so not have an instant trigger then they would need to be sheduled. You can however use custom webhooks to have data sent from google forms to make.com as soon as the form is filled out.

Check out this post for more info