Updating or posting a Wordpress post with multiple tags created with an Iterator module

Thanks Abhishek, I’ll give the update solution a try.

That said, @samliew I think I found a BUG with the aggregator module. Please double check to see if it is just on my side.

So, when I I created the aggregator, I set the aggregation of the Tag ID and the Tag Name, and click “OK”.

But when I then run the scenario and look at what the aggregator outputs, I can see the correct Tag Names, but the ID is the Post ID and not the Tag ID for some reason.

When I go back into the aggregator module, I can see that Tag ID is deselected even though Tag Name remains selected. I select it again, click OK and when I open the settings of the aggregator back up again it is de-selected!

Scrolling down I saw that “Post ID” was selected (automatically?). So I tried de-selecting “Post ID” and selected again the Tag ID and saved. And like magic, the correct bundles are now going out and the tick box for Tag ID aggregation is remaining selected when I open the settings again.

I think there could be an issue with the fact that “Post ID” seems to be using the same bundle name “ID” as the tag ID in the aggregator (just a hunch), but I’ll leave the experts to figure it out :wink: