Upwork API Job search

I’m a noob and have no idea what I’m doing.

  1. I created a webhook in Make
  2. Then I requested a API key from Upwork with my webhook URL from Make
  3. I can paste a url into a web browser and get access token
  4. I can’t seem to make this whole process inside of Make the redirect_url seems to fail or I really have no clue what I’m doing.

Then end goal is to create a workflow that uses the Upwork API to get jobs and send me a email of new jobs posted.

Please help!!

I’ve not yet used the Upwork API, but https://www.upwork.com/developer/documentation/graphql/api/docs/index.html#getting-started-authentication points out this is an OAuth2 request sequence; so inside Make you’ll start with the HTTP “Make an OAuth2 Request” module.

So I have set that up I either get these two issues.

  1. It runs opens a new browser windows with the word Accepted. Then the workflow say verifyauth failed
  2. It runs and says the redirect url is required but there is no option for a redirect url in the workflow.

Hi @Kyle_Ericson and welcome to Make!

It looks like there is an incorrect setup in your OAuth configuration.

Does this help:


I saw this but total noob have no idea how to add that to the oauth settings.
There is no setting for redirect URL

I don’t have an upwork API so I can’t test it on my end. However, this:


Should help to get you going. They provide the information for the callback URL and how to configure the HTTP call to use the OAuth configuration.

That said, it would really help if we could see what your scenario looks like. If you provide screenshots of how you’ve set it up, how you’ve configured the various modules in your scenario, and the result of running that scenario (screenshots of the input and output bundles) then someone might be able to see the problem.


P.S. If you have no idea what I mean when I talk about input and output bundles and screenshots of the configuration, you might want to look at


Welcome to the Make community!

Upwork does NOT have a webhook option. You cannot use a Custom Webhook’s URL with Upwork.

Follow the advice from the others provided above to connect using the HTTP Make an OAuth 2.0 request module, or use the Upwork community integration found here: https://www.make.com/en/integrations/upwork-community

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

When I went to request the Upwork API I had to put in a callback URL, which is the URL or my webhook.
These are my settings in my Make scenario:

This is the URL I used:

Also If I copy this url and paste it into a web browser I get the text accept. I think look in the logs on the web hook and I have my access code.


I’d use the community built Upwork api that was mentioned but it doesn’t include the search for jobs function.