I use the text parser to extract different bundles from an Open AI response. Open AI divides its answer into different sections. Each section is formatted with a {Start Tag} and {/End Tag}.
I managed to get the text parser to work, but I want to use each section’s responses as inputs in subsequent steps. I used the array aggregator to transform the various bundles returned by the text parser into an array, but I cannot get the array to be formatted correctly.
The array should have separate sections for each of the following & return the response returned by OpenAI for each:
{Tweet Pitch}
{Long Description}
{Global Problems}
Here is the configuration of the text parser:
Here is what the text parser returns:
Here is the configuration of the array aggregator:
Here is what the array aggregator returns:
Here are items available in the array in subsequent steps:
Any help on how I can get the array to be formatted correctly so that I can use the content of each as separate inputs to subsequent steps would be great.