I’m new to Make, and I’m trying to create a simple scenario to create a deposit in QB when a payment is received in Stripe.
I’m getting an error message:
Validation failed for 1 parameter(s). - Invalid number in parameter ‘Amount’.
I found a few posts about this here in the community forum and tried: parseNumber(2.object.amount/ 100) in the amount field and still got the same error. When I enter just an actual number in the field, it does successfully create a deposit in QB. So it seems I just need to get the number formatting right for this field.
I tried {{parseNumber(2.object.amount / 100)}} and got the same error. Is this what you suggested? If new to this, so if I’m missing something, please let me know! Thanks.
Thanks for your second suggestion. I tried this too, along with another variation on the formula, and neither of them worked. I got the same error as before.
I’m open to any other suggestions you’ve got. I’d love to make this work in make, but I’m not sure what to try next.
It worked! I actually did two things - I created a new scenario from scratch, and then in the new scenario I removed the comma from the formula as you suggested.