Hello there,
There appears to be some sort of a bug with Make’s Telegram modules for watching Telegram updates.
We are using Make to watch for messages that are posted in a Telegram channel.
However, Make only pulls in the date of the message & the text of the message, but Make doesn’t pull in any other information about the message.
For example, if you take a look at the screenshot below, you will see that Make won’t bring in any other information.
Make won’t bring in the First Name of the user who posted the message, the Last Name of the user who posted the message, the Username of the user who posted the message, etc.
You’ll see in the screenshot below that 99% of the fields are completely empty, even though all of these fields should have information in them.
Would Make be able to fix this problem?
Thank you!
The “Watch Updates” simply displays all available variables.
Some fields are not available for channels. Those might be for “groups” or “forums” instead.
This is a Telegram issue, because Telegram is simply not sending those information. The module will automatically populate the relevant variables that Telegram sends, depending on the “Update” type.
I have verified that those name fields are sent when the message is sent in groups (if user has set their name fields in settings).

For channels, they are a “broadcast” messaging system, and all messages are owned by the channel – there is no concept of which user sent it, hence no user details.
Thanks, @samliew, for this excellent information!
Unfortunately, Make’s documentation for setting up Telegram is 99% outdated and 99% inaccurate, so it doesn’t explain how to connect the Telegram module to groups (instead of channels).
We spend an entire 2 hours trying to get Make to pull in information from a group (instead of a channel), yet Make would not monitor any of our groups at all. Make would only monitor our channels.
Can you please explain how you were able to get Make to pull in information from a group (instead of a channel)?
Thank you!
The bot has to be added to the group, similarly like channels.
And the bot needs to be promoted to admin permissions to read the messages.
Thanks so much. We tried that and it didn’t work.
Telegram wouldn’t allow us to promote our bot to an admin in “groups”.
For some reason, Telegram only allowed us to promote our bot to an admin in “channels”.
Do you know of any special tricks for making bot admin promotion work in groups?
Nothing special, just edit the group and add it as an administrator.
Strange, I will have to try again and see if I can get it to work. Thank you!