I’m new to all of this and maintain both a Telegram Group Chat and a Discord Sever. I thought it would be a fun idea and neat concept to allow users from both groups to be able to communicate with each other from both platforms for those who don’t have accounts on one of said platforms and decided to try Make. I followed the guided setup for the “Post new Telegram messages on Discord” template, made a Telegram bot, disabled its privacy policy and made it an admin in my group chat, added its webhook to the Telegram Watch Updates module and then connected it to my Discord server to a specific text channel.
When first setting it up, I’d failed to move my bot to the group chat before testing it, and so I messaged it individually with the “/start” command and that successfully was sent to the text channel in my Discord server via Integromat, but then after moving it to my group chat nothing has worked since, even trying to directly ping it in the chat has failed to transmit any messages from the chat to the server’s text channel and sadly at this point I’m at a loss.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction who knows what to do?
Thank you