We Started FACELESS News Channel Using 100% AI Automation

Want to launch your own tech news channel with AI automation?

In this video, I’ll show you how to automate the entire process of creating and uploading tech news videos to YouTube using powerful AI tools. No manual effort, no time-consuming tasks, and everything is 100% automated! :sparkles:

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to automate the process using Make.com, NewsAPI, OpenAI, Leonardo AI, Musicfy AI, and JSON2Video.
  • Step-by-step guide to setting up API connections for automation.
  • Generate trending tech news videos and upload them directly to YouTube without any hassle.

Tools :toolbox:

:technologist: OpenAI: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
:fire: JSON2Video: https://json2video.com/
:fire: Musicfy: https://musicfy.lol/
:crystal_ball: ApyHub: https://apyhub.com/

Watch Full video here.