Webhook returns 500

Hey guys, I have this simple scenario to send the orderID to a webhook, use shopify to get the tracking number, and then return it. Whenever I call the webhook, i get 500 error.
Here is the automation:

here is the error:

I’m confused @Abdulrahman_Hameed. Do you mean when calling Shopify you get the 500 error?

Have you tried simple calls sans parameters to ensure that the most basic request works?

And then once shown working, build up your request step by step to determine the failure point?

Sorry for the confusion, let me make it clearer.

I’m using Voiceflow to build a chatbot. The chatbot is supposed to call this scenario on Make to retrieve the shipment tracking number for the customer. When I call the scenario using the webhook, the chatbot returns “500”.

A 500 error can be a number of things. This might be a situation where you should contact support for Voiceflow. They will have the tools to better assist you.

As @LinkYourTech shares, error 500 is wide ranging. Hence my ask about have you tried a simple request to confirm that such works?

  • How are you sure you are doing things correctly?
  • What documentation and examples are you using to confirm that the Voiceflow call is right?