What can I map in the Notion module “Append a Page Content”?
- I have styled a template in Notion and I would like to rebuild the template using a Make Automation so that I don’t want to move, copy and correct the blocks again after executing the automation.
In doing so, I have encountered some problems:
- I have to connect a JSON module in front, otherwise the Content Objects will insert a string and this will lead to an error:
Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).
Array of objects expected in parameter 'objects.
Solution for 1):
- cannot find any documentation on what I can enter in the JSON. This causes further error messages to appear:
Function ‘children’ finished with error! Cannot convert undefined or null to object
[400] body failed validation: body.children[0].heading_2.annotations should not be present, instead was{"colour": "yellow_background"}
In the screenshot I have sketched what I would like to do:
- Insert 2 columns
- Insert table of contents
- H2 background with colour
- Insert table