Trying to append a page content - [400] body failed validation: body.children[1].paragraph.rich_text[0].text.content should be defined, instead was `undefined`

Hello Everyone,

Im trying to append a page content using an API Call within the notion modules.
This is the scenario:

Even when i map the right values it dosent work (to do - collection 2)

Here is the mapping inside the “append a page content” module:

I dont really get the error code either, any tips?

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Hey Orreed,

What is the second module (Make an API Call) doing? What endpoint is it calling and how is it configured?


I can show you:

I saw someone else do this to get all the page contents, so i tried it out.
(I think it fetches the childrens pages contents)
This is the the output to:

I get all the contents from this module, i still dont know why it dosent work when i try to map the body data in the “append a page content” module.

I think the problem is the array. You first need to aggregate the text. Here is an example - this is a different use case but the overall logic of aggregation is the same.


I can see the similarities! Good video, i just have some problems with the mapping in the text aggregators with the JSON block. Lets see if i can figure something out, i will be back for feedback!


Hello! Thank you for help Eva, i actually fixed it. Which was supercool!

I removed the JSON and Text aggregator, mapped the right array and database ID in the “append a page content” module and it worked!


That’s awesome :clap::clap::clap: great work!


Hey there @Orreed :blob_wave:

So exciting to hear that you found a solution with some help from @Eva!

Also thank you very much for sharing the journey of fixing this problem with us. We greatly appreciate it!

Keep up the good job! :clap: