Woocommerce Google Sheets Order information problem

Hello, I have a WooCommerce connection with Googe Sheets, Make enters specific data in the Google Sheet such as product SKU, variant, order number and date, the problem is that when someone orders two different products, only one is added to the Google Sheet, how can I fix this? to show every product in the order?


Are you using an iterator?
The reason I ask this is because an iterator would allow you to process each product individually within the orders placed in WooCommerce and display them accordingly on separate lines in Google Sheets


When you map an order item directly from an array it only take the first order item so before mapping you can use an iterator which iterate orders array and add each item into spreadsheet from iterator

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

I don’t understand any of this, could someone send me a screenshot of what it should look like? I’ve been working on this for 8 hours and I’m already giving up :frowning:

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Still showing only one product SKU :frowning:



Once you have added the Iterator, you have to map its output instead of the the one in WooCommerce.

I give you an example here

For the OrderID, it’s always the same because line items are from the same order; that’s why you can map the OrderID field from WooCommerce.

Then, the Iterator will generate one bundle per line item (in your example, there are 2 lines, so 2 bundles). It means that the Output of the Iterator contains each line, and the scenario automatically “loops” into each, individually.
I’m not sure about what you want to map for column B; I give the “product name” as an example.

I hope it will help; let me know the outcome.


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