WooCommerce Orders to New Zenler Enrollments

Skill level: Brand new to Make, but I’ve used relatively simple setups in Zapier in the past.

I’ve been using WooCommerce for a number of years to sell shipped book/DVD courses. In the not too recent past, I started offering the courses in online video streaming format via New Zenler (NZ) (an online course platform supported by Make). The way I have it set up is that they can buy the shipped version in Woo through regular checkout, and on the Woo product page, I have a button that says “online streaming version” and that links directly to the checkout on NZ for the online course version of that product. The problem with NZ is that it only allows one course per order, i.e. no “cart” function so if customers want to buy more than one, they have to submit multiple orders. So what I’d like to do is handle all purchases with Woo, and only use NZ for the course enrollments themselves.

My idea for how this could work: I would modify my 30+ existing Woo products from simple to variable, and create three variations per product:

  • A) Shipped Version Only
  • B) Online Version Only
  • C) Shipped & Online.

I watched a few tutorial videos and learned that the first step should be a Webhook, and I understand how to create that in Woo. Once the webhook is received, if any product in the order contains variation B or C, then the scenario would proceed, otherwise, it will end as shipped only product orders do not depend on NZ, and only on fulfillment in Woo.

As I was looking at the data from the Webhook, it occurred to me that an easy way for Make to see if the customer bought any online course components is by way of the variation name itself.

My confusion begins where there are multiple products in the order. Perhaps a customer ordered some shipped only products and some online only products. I don’t understand how Make will process each product in the order, or look at each product in the order to see if the scenario should continue.

Also, since I started my New Zenler site a few years ago, I already have existing students in Woo and NZ, so the scenario would need to check to see if the student already exists in NZ. If he doesn’t, then the student would first need to be created in NZ before his courses could be added to his account there.

Once Make determines that the scenario should proceed based on the contents of the order, I have to somehow associate each product variation from Woo with its course in NZ.

Woo Product 1 (variation B or C) → NZ Course 1
Woo Product 2 (variation B or C) → NZ Course 2
Woo Product 3 (variation B or C) → NZ Course 3
Woo Product 4 (variation B or C) → NZ Course 4
and so on…

So at this point I’m pretty lost as to how to set all this up beyond the Webhook. I’ve tried to be as detailed as possible in my goal so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance!

Upon looking more into this, it appears I will need to use the Iterator to process each product in the order, so that’s a step forward in my understanding… :thinking:

This is what I came up with so far. Is it correct?:

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