Woocommerce Watch product variations

Hey! I’m in a pickle with a solution to one of my problems.

Namely, I have only variation products on my Woocommerce page and I need to check updates on all of the variations. I’ve used the Woocommerce webhooks and create my own custom one but I don’t seem to ever get the correct variation that was updated.

I need to pick up the correct variaton that was updated under a certain product but I only get a response that includes the parents SKU, product ID and that it’s of type “variable”.

How could I approach this issue? I need to update corresponding products in Google Sheets.

Any ideas or suggestions would help a lot, thank you!

EDIT: I need the SKU, stock status, stock quantity and name of the variaton product.

Is there someone who could please at least advise in some way? :smiley: