Wordpress Create Post (error code: rest_no_route)

So I just established a connection with Wordpress and the Make Connector.
When I now want to create a normal post within Make and choose the type or category he is showing me the error:

Failed to load Data!
[404] Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist. (error code: rest_no_route).

Steps I’ve tried:

  • When I am looking on web-browser on the API posts call I got response
  • I disabled the security plugin & caching plugin I have
  • Have enough memory limit

Hopefully someone can help…

Welcome to the Make community!

Please provide the URL?

1. Screenshots of module fields and filters

Please share screenshots of relevant module fields and filters in question? It would really help other community members to see what you’re looking at.

You can upload images here using the Upload icon in the text editor:

2. Scenario blueprint

Please export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to view the mappings and settings. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.

(Note: Exporting your scenario will not include private information or keys to your connections)

Uploading it here will look like this:

blueprint.json (12.3 KB)

Following these steps will allow others to assist you here. Thanks!


Did you figure this out? I am having a similar issue.

@Harley_Abbott Welcome to the Make community!

We can’t help you if there’s no information for us to look at.

1. Screenshots of module fields and filters

Please share screenshots of relevant module fields and errors in question? It would really help other community members to see what you’re looking at.

You can upload images here using the Upload icon in the text editor:

2. Scenario blueprint

Please export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to view the mappings and settings. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.

(Note: Exporting your scenario will not include private information or keys to your connections)

Uploading it here will look like this:

blueprint.json (12.3 KB)

Following these steps will allow others to assist you here. Thanks!