What are you trying to achieve?
To upload an image to my WordPress media server from my Google Drive folder.
But I keep getting this error
[500] Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons. (error code: rest_upload_unknown_error)
Steps taken so far
I already edited my config php to accept all file types but still have this issue.
Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors
Hi @David1,
Welcome to the Make community!
I am sorry to say that I think this is a Wordpress related issue. I find a lot of similar cases on the internet, each with a different solution. Can you show the input bundle of the Wordpress Module? I might find something there, otherwise it is wise to search the internet.
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Give us a detailed explanation of what you’re trying to achieve
Tell us about any steps you’ve tried so far
Include screenshots of:
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module configurations and outputs
any error messages you are getting
Share the blueprint of the scenario you are asking a question about. (this does not contain any connection or personal information)
Duplicate topic, see Image Wordpress - Error 500 - #2 by samliew
Your file likely has a missing, incorrect, or unsupported file extension.
samliew – request private consultation
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Hi @Henk-Operative
Thank you for the help! Yeah, I saw that post on Google and ended up working but I did run into another issue now that all my images would have that jpg on my title and alt text. So instead of including “.jpg” by editing the file on Google Drive, I just added a period in between the name of the file and also added the file extension map.