Wordpress plugin not updating woocommerce custom meta data for ACF


We am currently using:

Wordpress v6.5.2
Woocommerce v8.8.3
Make Connector 1.5.8
Advanced Custom Fields Pro v6.2.9

A Make scenario that has been in place for years seems to no longer update Woocommerce product meta data. The Make scenario runs, states that it is successful, but the data in Wordpress remains unchanged.

This seems to be a relatively new behavior but we are unable to tell exactly when the scenario stopped working as this is a scenario that runs on an as needed basis.

The Make Connector plug-in log shows a code of “2(1)” for the request.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

I have found my issue and the plug in is now working.

I created a new Woocommerce API key and replaced the old key in my scenarios. The scenarios are now updating my Woocommerce products.


Heya there @SandOak :wave:

Just wanted to stop by and pat you on the back for the great job you’ve done while searching for a solution to your troubles!

Keep up the good work :sunny:

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