Wrong date output with chatgpt 4o minoi

Hey chatgpt seems to not be able to fetch to current date.

here is my prompt: Please calculate the current week’s start and end dates based on today’s date. Use Monday as the start of the week and Sunday as the end of the week. Format the output as MM-DD-YYYY&end_date=MM-DD-YYYY and nothing else. Today’s date should be used to determine the week.

This is the output i got: Content 10-16-2023&end_date=10-22-2023

Hi @Bendik_Fausko-Johans and welcome to the Make Community!

You aren’t talking to ChatGPT but rather to the model and it doesn’t have access to system time.

If you want your prompr to work, add this to it: "It is currently {{ now }} "


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Thanks! it worked now!!

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If you want it to run every Sunday you can schedule it that way in the scenario settings.

‘now’ is the time when the scenario runs.

If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to take the basic and foundational courses in the Make Academy. It will clear much of this:
