If I pass ChatGPT a name of the day I want to get the date for it’s unable to do so.
This is my prompt: I event provided the answer but still cannot give the proper result:
I have no idea why this is happening.
Is there anyone who could solve this issue?
Hello @Tamas_Farago,
Welcome to the community.
Your prompt looks ok.
Try Response Format as JSON and also add instructions about it on the prompt.
Then use the Parse JSON module to Parse and extract JSON as an Array.
P.S.: Always search first, Check Make Academy. If this is helpful, Mark Best as Solutions and give
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or just use this formula
{{formatDate(addDays(currentDate; (5 - weekday(currentDate)) + 7); 'YYYY/MM/DD')}}
The formula calculates next Friday’s date by:
returns a number 0-6 (Sunday=0, Monday=1, …, Friday=5)
(5 - weekday(currentDate))
calculates days until this week’s Friday
+ 7
adds another week to get next Friday
adds the calculated days to the current date
formats the result as YYYY/MM/DD
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Hello @Tamas_Farago,
Yes, @nicon_ws is right if the next day(that you want to find) is fixed based on a given input date then use the date formula instead of spending AI tokens.