AI Voice Appointment Scheduling for Dental Clinic with Calendly

Hi Everyone…I’m building an AI voice appointment scheduling system for a dental clinic using VAPI and Calendly, but I’ve encountered a challenge. When a user calls, I ask them which day they’d like to schedule a dental appointment. For example, if they say “Monday at 10:00 AM,” I need to:

  1. How can I check the availability of all time slots from Calendly and see if Monday at 10:00 AM is available or not? I want to return a response like “Yes, it is available” or “No, it is not available.”
  2. If the slot is not available, I want to offer two alternate available times for Monday.
  3. If the slot is available, I will call the setMeeting function and book the meeting.

My biggest issue is 1 and 2. I have used calendly API to get the user busy times as a collection in make ( see screenshot) but I am not sure how to search the collection to see whether the time Monday at 10 AM exists in that or not.

Could you help me figure out how to achieve this? I would really appreciate your guidance.

Thank you,

Hi Sandeep. Welcome to the Community!

That’s a great use-case, and certainly achievable!

Thinking out loud …

  • You first need to decide how long the meeting you’re looking for needs to be - you’ll be looking for a meeting between a start and end time, not just a start time.
  • Could you use the Calendly app List Events module instead of an HTTP module to get the array of busy times?
  • The easiest route would be to prompt your LLM of choice. Pass the array of busy times as a JSON string (using the toString() function) and ask the LLM if the requested timeslot is available. You won’t need the iterator for that.
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@DavidGurr_Make Thanks a lot. I will give it a try