Airtable API Key Depreciation: Effortlessly Replace API Connections

Airtable API Key Depreciation: in this step-by-step tutorial, @cor_prettysimpl and @andyoneil will show Airtable users how to effortlessly replace their deprecated API keys with the new OAuth authentication methods in scenarios.

:persevere: Airtable API key deprecation notice: Airtable API key deprecation notice | Airtable Support

:spiral_calendar: Full Airtable API Key Depreciation goes into effect on February 1, 2024. At this time, API Keys will no longer be able to access the Airtable API.

:closed_lock_with_key: New Authentication Methods: OAuth is the way to go for third-party integrations like, ensuring both security and resource control.

:rocket: Cor Shutte will show you how to use the Make API to change out all of your Airtable connections in just seconds.

:link: Create a API Key:

:tada: Make Template: Replace Airtable Connections in Make Template:


Hey @andyoneil :wave:

Wow, I’m honestly so impressed by your work and tutorials. Your posts are so educative, inspiring, and fun! :star_struck:

We truly appreciate your presence here in our community, believe me when I say that it wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you so much for keeping us on track with your videos, I’m sure that many Makers benefit from them.

Thank you and keep up the outstanding work! :hibiscus:

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Thank you for doing the Make team’s job for them!
Most tools out there offered a simple solution to make this migration, the Make team didn’t even bother putting proper documentation together and are still offering API key authentication as the default auth method when deprecation date is only a few weeks away… awful customer service